Weekend Reads 18-01-2014

  Hello everybody, I hope you´ve had a nice week! You might have noticed that I have not been doing weekend challanges recently. This is because I have a couple of things already going on in the sel-improvement department. I am doing Apartment Therapy´s Cure, I am also doing a FATAD (fix a thing a day) challenge where I repair something everyday, and I am also going vegan a couple of weeks. My doctor thinks that my digestive problems, bloated belly (I often look pregnant after eating cheese or yoghurt) and lack of energy are related to intolerance of diary and eggs. After a couple of weeks of a vegan diet I´ll get my levels of Histamine re-checked, and then I´ll know whether I´ve correctly identified the cuplrits.

   On to the links for the weekend:

* Best ways to avoid a muffin top. I thought I knew them all, but Angie proved me wrong.

* Faking weight loss witrhout photoshop explains why you shouldn´t believe everything you see on the internet.

* North Korea -- A Travel Journal. Not sure what I was expecting, but this was rather surprising!

* How Hygge can help you get through winter

* Do women need to train differently from men? Lots of great tips here.

* I love slips and own a couple of lovely ones, including a gorgeous Vanity Fair one, so I loved The Irresistable Allure Of The Nylon Slip

* If you like geeky T-shirts, you´ll love Limiteed. My guy got the Smaug´s Storage Devices one yesterday.

* Model metamorphosis is fascinating.

* What happy people do differently

* Kate Moss just turned 40. Here are beautiful photos of her with Johnny Depp.

* 31 things women do when they´re alone made me laugh.

Check these out: