Hey everyone, above is a photo from a hike in the Alps that we did last week. The Alps are pretty much like you'd imagine them to be, with cows and bells and cheese and the most amazing beer. I tried out hiking in a dress, and it was amazing. The dress was sleeveless, knee-length and cotton and it kept me cool and comfortable throughout the very hot day. Just don't pick a dress with spaghetti-straps, as the straps of the backpack will rub the skin on your shoulders.
If you are looking for easy trips, especially ones that are doable with small kids / people who can't walk too far, I recommend the book series by J. Berg which feature several books about fun and easy trips in the German Alps. We have Erlebnistouren für Zwergerl and a couple of others that I can't locate at the moment.
Onto the links for today:
* Photography: The exposure lock button.
* I love discovering English-language beauty blogs from non english-speaking countries. Daily Curlz is a blog of a black latina from the Dominican republic, and I absolutely love her posts about hair care.
* Apartment Therapy tested all the methods of keeping cut flowers fresh.
* Eyebrows can change your entire face.
* Ever wondered what happens to all those amazing costumes from TV shows?
* A few bra-fitting tips for transwomen.
* I'm currently watching Masters Of Sex and in love with it. The series is about the pioneers of research in human sexuality in the 60s. It's brilliantly written with plenty of interesting and strong female characters, great acting, and a dry humour. NSFW trailer, of course. And a small peek behind the scenes.
I love the song, and the video is breathtakingly surrealistic:
If you are looking for easy trips, especially ones that are doable with small kids / people who can't walk too far, I recommend the book series by J. Berg which feature several books about fun and easy trips in the German Alps. We have Erlebnistouren für Zwergerl and a couple of others that I can't locate at the moment.
Onto the links for today:
* Photography: The exposure lock button.
* I love discovering English-language beauty blogs from non english-speaking countries. Daily Curlz is a blog of a black latina from the Dominican republic, and I absolutely love her posts about hair care.
* Apartment Therapy tested all the methods of keeping cut flowers fresh.
* Eyebrows can change your entire face.
* Ever wondered what happens to all those amazing costumes from TV shows?
* A few bra-fitting tips for transwomen.
* I'm currently watching Masters Of Sex and in love with it. The series is about the pioneers of research in human sexuality in the 60s. It's brilliantly written with plenty of interesting and strong female characters, great acting, and a dry humour. NSFW trailer, of course. And a small peek behind the scenes.
I love the song, and the video is breathtakingly surrealistic: