Pretty Summer Patio

    Give me real homes ! The blogosphere is abuzz, demanding real women instead photoshopped models. I demand real interiors. It depresses me to see beautiful journals with homes designed by architects, where every piece of furniture costs more than all of my furniture put together. It all looks like the people don´t own anything apart from artistically scattered throw pillows, three books and a white tunics. Even Martha Stewart ´s house photos are photoshopped and styled to the last degree.
  When I want real inspiration, homes that are lived in and loved, I turn to Flickr. And to my friends. Some of them have really awesome homes  that uniquely reflect who they are.
Here is one such home. Or rather just the patio. It was so hot that we stayed outside, sipping beer and lemonade and sprawling on the deck chairs.
Oh, and I also got to practice that overexposure, which makes everything looks so artsy-fartsy and delightfully summery.

Yes, they have a Teepee

Planter table


Garden table



Something yellow


What to do with an old lounge chair

Repurposing in the garden



2Pretty details



Summer breakfast

Summer beer

Photos by Eternal*Voyageur    

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