* Random: Cabinet of Curiosities is strangely addictive.
* Fitness: All Your Abs Questions Answered [Plus a few you never thought to ask!]
* Home: 12 Green Ideas from the 2011 Small Cool Contest (PS. if your home is small and cool, it´ s not too late top enter)
* TV: If you are not watching Gossip Girl, this is what you are missing (read the comments).
* Style: Best thrifting and vintage style blogs
* Psyche: How much is adult ADD; how much is me? is not just about ADD.
"I think I use ADD as an excuse, an unbeatable illness responsible for all my human flaws, for all the bruises I received. It has been a wonderful catch all for everything. However, it has been counter productive, though comforting, to use it this way.
ADD is a symptom, not an explaination. If we treat it as a symptom , then we can take the view that the symptom is in response to some negative distasteful stressful situation, past or present. "
So beautiful: