Pardon my being the last blogger to jump onto this meme. But when I was switching my winter handbag to my summer one, I though this would be the perfect opportunity to bare it all.
A woman's mind is as complex as the contents of her handbag; even when you get to the bottom of it, there is ALWAYS something at the bottom to surprise you!
Handbags are a strange thing, it´s our home away from home. I totally don´t get how guys just stash things in their pockets -- I´d be lost without a bag, and besides I always lose money from my pocket.
Above: my current on-the-go handbags. The one on the right is from Oilily, but I picked it up in a flea market in Amsterdam, and have worn it to death since then. It´s very roomy and goes with almost everything I wear. The one on the left is also thrifted, and yes, I know it screams hipster. I love the worn, distressed look.
Clockwise, from top:
- Faux leather wallet. I recently bought a gorgeous one but it got stolen, so this is a ok but not amazing replacement.
- Keys, on amber key ring bought at a medieval fest.
- Sigg bottle. I always have water with me, in a Sigg. I have several, all very dented and shipped from wear and tear.
- Tiny dictionary, and grammar index cards. I use them a lot. The index cards are left over from my hipster PDA days.
- Chock full cosmetic pouch.
- Sugar-free gum with natural sweetener xylitol. I still can´t get over the fact that my cheapo neighbourhood supermarket actually stocks them !
- Sweet tissue case.
- Sansa Fuze MP3 player. This baby is better than an ipod and way cheaper too. It´s also pretty robust, and has survived countless whacks from my hoops.
- Ladybird toddler sock, serves as storage for my MP3 and its headphones. It´s so stretchy that I sometimes put my smaller camera inside it.
- Center: my hold-it-all notebook. Inspired by a comment on a blog, which I cannot find anymore, ahhh! Does anyone recognise these cats ? I see them everywhere but have no idea what they are.
- Not pictured: camera.
This tissue paper case was made by a little girl ! Her mother happened to stay overnight at our home and presented it to me as she was leaving. Isn´t it gorgeous ? I adore the heart-shaped velcro closure.
My cosmetic pouch and contents. I don´t use the bohn comb much, since I usually finger-comb, but it helps me when I need to do a parting. The kohl pencil and lipgloss are for makeup on the go, both from a cheap natural brand. I especially love the kohl, if I am feeling underdressed I line my eyes heavily and smudge with my fingers for instant glam. If it´s good enough for Johnny Depp, it´s good enough for me.
The small black tin used to hold free crappy candy, now it houses a piece of my crystal deodorant. The little bottles in the middle ? One holds perfume that was custom-made for me by a Sufi guy at the flea market from essential oils he brought from the middle east. The smaller plastic one has some of the homeopathic medicine I am currently taking.
Then there is the hair elastic, some random clips, sunscreen sample and jewelry. And mirror, every woman needs to carry one. The earrings are silver and amethyst, from India. I love silver jewelry with semi-precious stones.
Not pictured: the ubiquitous feminine products.
This is a purse hook and it works like this. I use it all the time, since the only thing I hat more than having my handbag on my lap is putting in on restaurant floors. I got mine off Ebay, if you check "Worldwide" in the product location section, you will find like millions of designs. This wasn´t exactly my favourite design, but it was one of the few that would hook around the purse handle like in the photo.
Is your handbag a staple or are you a pocket carrier ? Also, I´d love to see the contents of your handbags. Do share links to pics or posts in the comment section.