![cat love](http://i.imgur.com/P83UL.gif)
Hi everybody, hope you had a great week! Me? I tried to enjoy the winter cause I can't hurry spring up, made plans for my garden and am now preparing for a clothes swap party!
* Fun: In case you want to host your own swap party (I totally recommend it), here is how.
* Pretty: this amazing post on being (or not being) photogenic is exactly what I have been googling for since three weeks.
* Earth: if you have been toying with the idea of growing your own veggies, you'll love Alys Fowler on BBC's Edible Garden. It makes me want to eat home-grown salads in the sunshine while wearing cute polka-dot dresses, ride a bike with a wicker basket and pop vegetables in between my flowers!
* Tech: Ways to view Youtube is cool!
* Bras: eBay Bra-Buying Tips
* Explore: Know Reddit?
* Lol: I agree, they leave muddy tracks around the house.
* Democracy: Guess what? SOPA is dead. And this is how we made the largest online protest in history happen.