- Make the world a little better for our little brothers: Join PETA's Action Team. You can sign e-mail petitions, or participate in something more.
- Wishing stars DIY
. I love these !
- The Raw Model: before and after. These photos have been taken just one month apart. Wow !
- I didn't pay full price for at least half the stuff I own, so I loved Seven Things You Never Need To Pay Full Price For.
- "Deadhead" what's dead in your life
. A short and inspiring read.
- How To Pack In Your Purse
, that's the lightest you could possibly pack ! My suggestion would be to take comfortable casual trousers that can be slept in instead of pyjamas.
- Showstopping Style On A Pauper's Budget
. I love the tip about the grey, since most of the time cheap black looks, well, cheap.
- Wireless Internet may destroy our chances of meeting intelligent life
. There is that joke: "if an infinite number of monkeys typed on an infinite number of typoewriters, they would eventually reproduce the works of Shakespeare". The internet proved this is not true.
- How to build a personal colour scheme.
- A ton of great ideas for spending time with your significant other ! No matter what you like to do, you'll find something in there for you.
- Nurturing your long-distance relationships
: not only of the romantic kind.
- Fontcapture
lets you create your own fonts ! This is what it looks like in action. Cool !
- How to organise the stuff that is just "passing through" your home. I need to make a variation of this.
- I so agree with No Impact Man:
- "When one group of scientists first said smoking was bad for you, the tobacco industry funded another group of researchers to say the science was inconclusive."
Weekend Reads 18-09-2009
Weekend Reads 18-09-2009
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