Wearing the wrong clothes when you go shopping is like going grocery shopping when hungry. I first realised this when I entered a shoe shop wearing rather old and not very clean shoes. They didn't look so before but when I got into the store full of shiny pretty shoes they suddenly felt very unstylish and shabby. I felt the urgency to swap them out for a fresh new pair. I don't remember what I bought but it was probably not the most thought-through purchase I have made.
Since then I have perfected the art of shopping outfits that put me into a good mindset. The best ones will help me pick the right pieces and allow me to try things on outside of the changing room.
Here are my rules:
* Wear something you look and feel great in:
This will set the bar for the new clothing pretty high, the way it should be. Jeans that fit you really well will give you a great baseline for comfort when trouser shopping. Badly fitting pants will make almost anything look and feel good in comparison. Wear flattering colours and comfortable fabrics, pieces that make you feel good about your body. I also try to wear something very "me" when shopping, even if it's just an accessory, because I often get carried away and buy pieces that I love on other people but aren't "me" at all. I have bought clothes "for" several bloggers whose style I was admiring at the moment.
* Wear separates
You really should check out the pieces you are trying on in the mirrors that stand outside of the dressing cabins. They usually have better lighting and you have much more space to walk and twirl. You can't do that if you just took off a dress to try on a blouse, and have nothing to wear on the bottom.
* Simple pieces for a clean background
A pair of jeans or a neutral-coloured skirt make it easier to try on tops, as compared to a gorgeous colourful skirt that clashes with almost everything. So I suggest wearing pieces that are neutral and not too fussy. Go for your personal neutrals that flatter your colouring instead of the usual neutrals like black or white -- for example if you have a cool summer colouring you should try greys, muted blues and navy; a warm autumn could go for chocolate browns and olive greens. These colours will help you to pick pieces in shades that work best with your wardrobe and skin tone.
* When shopping for shoes, wear the clothes that you are shopping for.
If you need boots that go with feminine dresses, wear a feminine dress to the store.My two favourite shopping outfits:
These are the two outfits that have worked best for me!* Black tank top + black leggings + top layers
Simple pieces that "go" with almost everything I try on. I can easily try things over them if I am at a flea market, clothes swap, or if the changing room has a huge line.I usually wear a skirt and blouse on top, and if it's really cold I'll wear a sweater and jeans.
* Soft stretchy strapless dress
This dress kind of bends all the rules, and it's amazing. The stretchy part on the bust means it can be worn as a short dress, top or a skirt. I can easily try on anything over it and then pull the dress down or up. It's also much more comfortable on hut summer days.I'd love to know what do you wear shopping? Do you have some personal rules or outfits that work best for you? Let me know!

photo credit: somebody via photopin (license)