We´re all itching to pack away our winter clothes and bring out our spring stuff. But before you do that, now is the best time to make an appraisal of your winter wardrobe, to spot the gaps and take stock. Antipodes, you can do the same with your summer stuff. Just reverse anything I say about the weather.
BTW if you don´t rotate your seasonal clothes, you should (unless you live in a place that has only one season). There is nothing like a wardrobe that is not cluttered with stuff that you won´t be wearing for many months
How to do an end-of-season wardrobe appraisal:
First, get out your style diary. Every girl should have one. Just get a pretty notebook with blank pages and put the heading "Winter Wardrobe 09-10"
Ask yourself, and note your responses:
* What was the biggest challenge getting dressed this winter ?
What were the occasions when you were frustrated because you had nothing appropriate to wear ? What kind of weather did you find it hardest to dress for ? Take notes.
For me it was definitely dressing for special occasions. While I have plenty of glamorous, festive or elegant stuff for the warmer months, I have almost nothing like that for the cold. I mostly got by with the help of thermal inner wear, but it was quite unsatisfying.
* Which wardrobe items did you lack ?
Shoes that actually stay dry in melting snow ? Camis to layer underneath sweaters ? Statement gloves ? Write it down.
I definitely missed really warm caps, the kind that shield against even the most piercing wind. I also didn´t have any longer sweaters, all of them were skirt-length (till hip bones) but in this cold I didn´t wear skirts much.
* Which items you have not worn at all this winter ?
Put these items in a pile, and if it´s still cold enough, try wearing at least one thing from the pile each day. What doesn´t work for you anymore, just give it away. If you can´t give it away or you´re not sure or the weather is too warm, put it in a bag and label it "not sure". Store it away with the rest of your winter clothes. When you unpack them next autumn, you can rethink the items.
* What would you like to do differently next winter ?
Wear more colour ? Dress warmer ? Experiment with winter accessories ?
For me it would be: to make my outer wear more interesting, since that´s what´s most visible, much more than what I actually wear below all those layers. A black parka and gray gloves is what people see, even if I´m wearing the most amazing thing underneath.
* What were your favourite items ? What would you like to do more of ?
This is just as important (if not more) as noting all the lacks and gaps of your wardrobe. What did you have the most fun with this season ? What made you look fab ? What was the most comfortable ? Write it down big !
I loved my jewel-toned skinny jeans. And my extra large wool scarves. And brooches.
Now, make a shopping list:
On a new page, make a winter wishlist. Look back on your responses to the above questions and make a list of items you need to make dressing next winter more fabulous. You can be as vague or specific as you want. ´More jewel tones´ is as good as ´a long green scarf to go with green wool cap´.
Probably you won´t be using this shopping list in a while, since the stores will be full of spring & summer stuff. But if you´re anything like me, you´ll have forgotten what your sweaters even look like when next autumn comes. And you´ll be glad to have your list ! Of course, thrifting winter clothes or hunting for them on Ebay in the summer is a smart move since you´ll have very little competition !
Have fun, and don´t forget to do this each season !