Weekend Reads 04-03-2012

Jeeves fetch me that red dot moving on the wall

   Hey everyone, what have you been up to this week? I learned to make a bunch of crafts including Waldorf-style faries, and that was so much fun! In other news, spring is here and that means sunshine, skirts and crocuses! Has spring come to your hometown as well?
   Enjoy this week's links:

* Hair: how to deal with second-day root flatness, and second-day frizz.

* Bras: Ever wondered why breasts sweat?

* Makeup: I love this nude makeup look, it looks so chic and effortless.

* Life: This is actually very useful.

* Aww: nose kisses are the best.

Home: An interior design blog that I love: Rang Decor.

This is really amazing. I liked the second part more, but you can start with the first one if you prefer:

Check these out: