Hi everyone, how did your week go? I only remember felting, felting and felting. Dry and wet. Needles and hot soapy water. Flowers and animals. It was a lot of fun, and I'm not even sick of it yet!
This week's challenge was fun -- affirmations always lift my spirits and make the day go smoother. And the prosperity affirmations always work their magic for me: when I concentrate on doing them something awesome always drops into my lap within three days. This time it was the perfect (and rather pricey) outdoors jacket that someone very generously gifted my just because I showed them how to set up Skype. It was on top of my wish list and it made me so happy! Seriously guys, I really recommend getting You Can Heal Your Life and trying it out. For the prosperity affirmations to work you first need to work through your negative beliefs and attitudes to money.
The biggest problem in last week's challenge is that I am usually not awake enough in the morning to do them. So this week I will be going to sleep early! I need 8-9 hours of sleep a day (I know, it's such a waste of time!) and can never fall asleep quickly, so that will be around 21:30 every evening (except Mondays, which are theater rehearsal evenings). Will me luck will power!
On to the links:
* Style: The Four Implicit Categories in Your Shopping List
* Home: I loved the way this vanity is organized. Her is a cheapo version with cereal boxes :)
* Life: Whatever happened to downtime?
* Funny: This seat is taken.
* Wow: An interesting experiment that shows how the brain can warp things.
* Skills: How to write the most amazing thank-you notes.
* Bras: The problems with wireless bras. Also, Curvy Kate spring 2013.
*Book of the week: Daughter of Fortune by Isabella Allende. I have recently discovered the world of Latin american literature -- the lilting, musical prose and the very special flavour of those cultures. Daughter of Fortune is one of my favourites, which means I have re-read parts of it many times -- it is about a young Chilean's search for her elusive lover in Gold-rush California. It's not just another cheesy love story and I just love the atmosphere and the "magic realist" touches in the story. You can browse inside the book here.
Beautiful song, and haunting video: