A lot of big cups have a tiny band and cups that are under the armpits, not in the front. I explained in the last post what the problems is (in short: cups that are broad instead of deep, too flexible underwires, and wrong cup construction).
Here is a small lists of bras that are not wide set in big sizes, as well as a list of bras to avoid. This is by no means an exhaustive list, feel free to add any other bras in the comments !
The good:
Eva Michalak: everything. Their bras in big cups are very stable. Proof here and here. I wrote about this brand *here.*
Panache: George Cleo, Ariza. Sienna is almost ok.
Curvy Kate: padded bras are ok, but above HH not so good. The newer soft bras are better, for eg Ella, Angel, Emily, Princess, Showgirl
Bravissimo: Baubels, Dotty Spot, Alana (watch out, Alana cups tend to be smaller than standard) update: a reader says Alana in 34L makes cradles!
Freya: Arabella
The bad:
Panache: Harmony, Portia, Tango, Sienna
Flirtelle: Sublime
Curvy Kate: Ella
Kalyani: Natural Charm
Fantasie: Apparently a lot of models
I know that this list is very incomplete, but I don´t have any more data. Do you have a good / bad bra in a bigger cup ? Do let me know in the comments. And keep coming back to this post for updates.

Photo by Kasica