Lumiere Minerals Haul

Lumiere minerals haul

   My order from Lumiere cosmetics finally came! It always takes ages because the customs office loves to take a peek inside.
    So what did I get? First, the bronzer: I love Ambrozia because it is the perfect for my medium warm summer skin. The shimmery particles are so delicate that I didn't notice them at first. I have been using it since over a year to contour my face (cheekbones, under the jaws, and the temples).

     And the brushes: both are synthetic and very very soft. Even softer than the pink range. I have great experiences with Lumiere brushes: they are luxuriously soft, well constructed and inexpensive. And yes, although I am a rookie when it comes to makeup, I notice the difference in doing my face with a good brush and a bad brush. It's like painting with a proper craft-store brush as opposed to the 10-brushes-for-2-€ set you bought for your kids.
   The Dome Blush Brush I plan to use for highlighter. Yes, I finally got to the point where I mastered contouring with bronzer, and I love to add a touch of highlighter to strategic points. I didn't have the right brush for it, since the kabuki is slightly too big and the blush brush is loaded with blush and bronzer. The dome blush is nicely sculpted on the sides (I don't know the proper word for this, but this brush is not flat, not rounded, but has two angled surfaces).
   The eye buki is something I also felt the need for since a few months. I have only a flat eyeshadow brush and the crease brush, and I wanted something with which was round and fluffy.

      The little bowl will hopefully make using mineral makeup easier when I'm travelling. Also, it's cute.

   Then the samples, you can choose any five packets for 0.01cad and I always use this offer to test out new stuff. The nude is my favourite bronzer for the winter, when my skin turns a shade lighter. The ... is a base / finishing powder I want to test. And the Light Medium Beige and Light medium Cool are for "research purposes". You see, I always thought my skin was cool, because of the pinkish tint from the spider veins. However some really nice girls on a really nice makeup forum told me I was a beige or a warm, and they were spot on. I did want to see how a cool base looks like (answer -- too pink). The beige fits my skin well, but I find that the warm is more flattering because it cancels out the pink veins. BTW the camera hasn't rendered the colours accurately, so you need to go to the Lumiere website to see more accurate photos.

    The prices of Lumiere are in Canadian dollars, which have a great exchange rate to euro. Also, I took advantage in a 25% off code that they gave out in their newsletter, so the whole thing set me off by $13.57 without shipping, which is slightly over 10€.

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