Weekend Reads 31-03-2013

      Happy Easter everyone! I'm having a white one, there is tons of snow everywhere! In Germany the Easter Rabbit hides chocolate eggs in the garden and kids go to look for them on Easter morning. Our Easter Bunny is of the crunchy kind and approves of chocolate only in moderation, so some of the eggs were actually full of blueberries and nuts :) What do people do at Easter in your country?

   I've finished my fast and am feeling fantastic! It wasn't easy, even after the hunger pangs stopped I was tired and slow. At the end I lost maybe one kilo, but my body lost excess fat and I look quite toned -- which everyone who sees me comments on. I also feel lighter and very very energised, and I feel like my digestion has been reset. The whole process made me take a long, thorough look at my eating habits. Especially at my snacking and the way a lot of my hunger is psychological rather than physical. I am making a list of eating resolutions that will help me maintain the effects of the fast and will keep me from falling into the snacking and sugar addiction.
   My fast was based on the book "Vitalität Pur Durch Heilfasten, Die Heilfasten Anleitung nach Heilpraktiker René Gräber".

A small announcement: If you read my blog through Google Reader, you have no doubt heard that the service will shut down on July 1. You can continue to follow my blog using Bloglovin, and here are some great alternatives.

   On to the links!

* Style: If you watch Game Of Thrones, you will love this hilarious "get the look" piece.

* Something from a supportive blogger (the beheld, charade, fullerfiguerfullerbust)

* Beauty: I have never given much thought to water as a cosmetic ingredient but this piece made me realise that it's a sub-optimal cheap filler that needs preservatives.

* Shopping: How to Comparison Shop With Google Autocomplete is a simple but amazing tip.

* Body: Sarah Jessica Parker: Wearing high heels for years might have mangled my feet.

* Body: Garance Dore on being beautiful. The first part of this piece is spot on.

* Funny: Yum!

Vintage posts you might have missed:

* Style tips for the spring

* Things to love about spring

A very honest  Tedx talk about being a model

Check these out: