Even though summer is my favourite time of the year, I love seeing the greens and goldens of early autumn turn to siennas and reds.
* Wearing "real" outfits. Summer means mostly throwing on a dress, sandals and maybe a shawl for the evening. Effortless but it can get boring in the long run. Autumn means creative layering, interesting accessories, combining my lighter summer pieces with knits and woollens, playing with textures.
* Teas and other warm drinks. With lots of cinnamon and ginger. Matcha lattes and hot chocolate.
* Everything is so beautiful! Grey mists and strings of bedewed spider webs on one day, decadently colourful leaves in the low, almost amber light on the next.
* Flying kites. I'm really good at it.
* Bonfires. It was much too hot this summer for any, but autumn is the perfect time to enjoy as many as I can squeeze in before it gets too cold.
* Drink teas with the last of the fresh herbs -- lemon balm that sows itself wild in random nooks all over my garden, holy basil in a pot which I adore to death but never manage to bring through the winter, and fresh nettles.
* Switch out some of my clothes, put away the summery ones that I can't mix and match with warmer stuff. Get out my boots and sweaters.
* Launder the big stuff around the house, like curtains and rugs. I line dry, so I much prefer doing this when it's still warm.
* Take my wrist-warmers, shawls and headbands out of storage. I have quite a collection.
* Visit thrift stores on the day they switch to cold-seasons stuff and pick out sweaters made out of natural yarns.
* Getting inspired by the knitwear from Outlander. I also taught myself to crotchet and make one Outlander-ish piece a year.
* I start taking my St John's Wort supplement and vitamin D, which really helps me during the dark cold weeks of winter.
* I wear a lot of rings, earrings and brooches, as well as chunky necklaces that work with sweaters.
* I start lighting candles as soon as dusk falls. I have discovered salt lamps for myself, they do wonders for the air quality in the room. When I walk into a room where a salt lamp is burning, I can smell the faint salty smell and it's just so clean and calming.
Do you love autumn or is it not your favourite season? What are you looking forward to this autumn and winter?
The things I look forward to:
* Wearing "real" outfits. Summer means mostly throwing on a dress, sandals and maybe a shawl for the evening. Effortless but it can get boring in the long run. Autumn means creative layering, interesting accessories, combining my lighter summer pieces with knits and woollens, playing with textures.
* Teas and other warm drinks. With lots of cinnamon and ginger. Matcha lattes and hot chocolate.
* Everything is so beautiful! Grey mists and strings of bedewed spider webs on one day, decadently colourful leaves in the low, almost amber light on the next.
* Flying kites. I'm really good at it.
* Bonfires. It was much too hot this summer for any, but autumn is the perfect time to enjoy as many as I can squeeze in before it gets too cold.
Things I do while it's still warm:
* Put all my shoes out in the sun for a day, it kills all the odours.* Drink teas with the last of the fresh herbs -- lemon balm that sows itself wild in random nooks all over my garden, holy basil in a pot which I adore to death but never manage to bring through the winter, and fresh nettles.
* Switch out some of my clothes, put away the summery ones that I can't mix and match with warmer stuff. Get out my boots and sweaters.
* Launder the big stuff around the house, like curtains and rugs. I line dry, so I much prefer doing this when it's still warm.
* Take my wrist-warmers, shawls and headbands out of storage. I have quite a collection.
* Visit thrift stores on the day they switch to cold-seasons stuff and pick out sweaters made out of natural yarns.
* Getting inspired by the knitwear from Outlander. I also taught myself to crotchet and make one Outlander-ish piece a year.
* I start taking my St John's Wort supplement and vitamin D, which really helps me during the dark cold weeks of winter.
* I wear a lot of rings, earrings and brooches, as well as chunky necklaces that work with sweaters.
* I start lighting candles as soon as dusk falls. I have discovered salt lamps for myself, they do wonders for the air quality in the room. When I walk into a room where a salt lamp is burning, I can smell the faint salty smell and it's just so clean and calming.
Do you love autumn or is it not your favourite season? What are you looking forward to this autumn and winter?

Photo credit: AZGAN MjESHTRI on Unsplash