Today I wanted to make a small round-up of oils that have anti-microbial properties. Every woman should have one of these antiseptic oils on hand since they are extremely versatile and surprisingly effective.
All the oils that I have listed fight bacteria, viruses and fungi, and they promote the healing of the skin. They are helpful against inflammations, cuts, burns, stings, sunburn, dandruff, eczema, etc. I have described the specific properties of each one of these oils here:
The smell of Tamanu oil is not very nice, kind of like Maggi, so I suggest using it at night.
Oregano oil can also be added to the oil used for oil-pulling, or taken internally against Candida in the intestines (please research this before trying!). Oregano oil is also very effective against Staph infection.
Another use of siberian fir oil is against colds and other respiratory problems (since it naturally contains camphor). It is also de-stressing and rejuvenating and lifts the mood, so it's a nice oil to add to a bath or massage mix.
It also warms and stimulates the circulation and helps against rheumatic pains and is helpful against colds.
This is by no means an exhaustive list. There are plenty of other antiseptic oils out there, especially those from coniferous trees and herbs. I have limited myself to listing oils that I have used myself. If you have a favourite antimicrobial oil that is not on the list, tell us about it in the comments!
All the oils that I have listed fight bacteria, viruses and fungi, and they promote the healing of the skin. They are helpful against inflammations, cuts, burns, stings, sunburn, dandruff, eczema, etc. I have described the specific properties of each one of these oils here:
Tea Tree oil
An extremely versatile oil, also the safest and gentlest option on this list. You can apply tea tree oil undiluted directly on the problem areas. Tea tree oil also happens to be inexpensive and easy to find.Tamanu Oil
According to the research of the BioScience Laboratories, it is makes fresh scars including stretch marks less visible. It also works to prevent stretch marks. Tamanu oil calms down redness of the skin and has some anti-wrinkle properties. It is absorbed by the skin surprisingly easily and feels luxurious. It regulates the oiliness of the skin.The smell of Tamanu oil is not very nice, kind of like Maggi, so I suggest using it at night.
Manuka Oil
Similar to tea tree oil, but more potent. Probably the most expensive oil on the list, unless you happen to live in the antipodes. Manuka oil has moisturising properties, so it can also be used on dry skin. It is great for massage, as it relaxes and refreshes the skin. Like Tamanu oil, manuka oil has a weird smell.Laurel oil
Laurel oil is great for oily skin with impurities. It is very cleansing, tightens the pores but is also quite drying. It is the secret ingredient in the famous Aleppo soaps (the really cleansing ones have up to 40% Laurel oil, the rest is olive oil). Laurel oil stimulates hair growth and is effective against joint pains.Oregano Oil
It is the strongest oil on on the list! Do not use oregano oil undiluted on the skin, as it can irritate it. Oregano oil is the "heavy artillery" if you are looking for something really potent against breakouts, infections, dandruff, and other issues.Oregano oil can also be added to the oil used for oil-pulling, or taken internally against Candida in the intestines (please research this before trying!). Oregano oil is also very effective against Staph infection.
Siberian fir oil
This was an old favourite of mine that I have forgotten, a while back it made waves among Polish bloggers as the magic ingredient in oil-cleansing mixes against blackheads.Another use of siberian fir oil is against colds and other respiratory problems (since it naturally contains camphor). It is also de-stressing and rejuvenating and lifts the mood, so it's a nice oil to add to a bath or massage mix.
Eucalyptus oil
It is strongly antiseptic, and especially effective against breakouts, psoriasis, lichens etc when added to a base oil (almond oil or grape seed oil) and used in a bath or in a massage. It deodorizes, so you can add it to feet creams or DIY deodorants. It also repels insects.It also warms and stimulates the circulation and helps against rheumatic pains and is helpful against colds.
This is by no means an exhaustive list. There are plenty of other antiseptic oils out there, especially those from coniferous trees and herbs. I have limited myself to listing oils that I have used myself. If you have a favourite antimicrobial oil that is not on the list, tell us about it in the comments!
How to use antimicrobial oils:
Use these oils undiluted on:
* cold sores
* spot apply on breakouts
* cuts and small wounds
* around the nails against fungus
* fresh scars
* irritation around the bikini area
* raw skin around the nose when you have a cold
Mix with other oils, hyaluranon, add to moisturisers or masques:
* to calm the skin after shaving, waxing or epilating
* on the scalp against dandruff
* on the face against breakouts, eczema, rosacea
* add them to your oil-cleansing mix
* to baths
Warning: do a patch test first, keep the oils away from pets, consult with doctor or midwife if you are pregnant. Also, many essential oils are toxic if ingested.
Where to buy these oils?
Start at your local health food store and apothecary. You can also buy many of these online. If you take into account that these oils are used in small quantities, they are not very expensive. Depending on which part of the world you live in, you might find certain oils to be easily available and inexpensive.As always, make sure you are getting the oil in it's pure form (not a perfume oil), without any additives.
Over to you: have you used any of these oils? Or other oils with similar properties? Tell me about your favourites!